St Raphael's Catholic Parish of West Preston. 13-17 Hardy St, West Preston, Victoria. 3072.
Tel: 9470 2586 Email:
In partnership with St Gabriel's and St Stephen of Hungary, Reservoir & Reservoir East.
Parish Priests: Fr Greg Pritchard (Moderator) & Fr. Simon Grainger
Assistant Priest: Fr Aurelio Fragapane
Deacon Ferdinand Correya
Click the buttons below to watch:
Weekend Mass Times:
Saturday Vigil Mass: 6:00 pm
Sunday Italian Mass: 9:00 am
Sunday Mass: 10:30 am
Weekday Mass Times:
Tues: 4:00 pm
Wed & Fri: 7:00 pm
Thurs: 8:30 am
Saturday: 9:00 am
Sunday 10:30 am Mass
will be livestreamed
on our youtube channel.
The partnered parishes of St Gabriel & St Stephen of Hungary Reservoir-Reservoir East and St Raphael Preston West are eagerly awaiting the arrival of three nuns from the Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of the Philippines who are coming to work in our parishes and schools.
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