St Raphael's Catholic Parish of West Preston. 13-17 Hardy St, West Preston, Victoria. 3072.
Tel: 8395 5707 Email:
In partnership with St Gabriel's and St Stephen of Hungary, Reservoir & Reservoir East and St Joseph the Worker, Reservoir North
Parish Priests: Fr Greg Pritchard
Assistant Priest: Fr Aurelio Fragapane
Deacon Ferdinand Correya

Past Masses livestreamed from St Raphael's church

Click the buttons below to watch:

Weekend Mass Times:
St Raphael's Preston West:
Saturday Vigil Mass: 6:30 pm
Sunday Mass (English/Italian): 10:30 am

St Gabriel's Reservoir:
Sunday Mass: 9:00am

St Stephen of Hungary, Reservoir East:
Saturday Vigil: 6:30pm

St Joseph the Worker, Reservoir North:
Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm (In Maltese on 1st Saturday of each month)
Sunday Mass (English/Italian): 9:00am

Weekday Mass Times:
Adoration 8:30 am (Reservoir North)
Mass 9:15 am (Italian, Reservoir North)
 9:00 am (Reservoir)
8:30 am (Reservoir)
7:00 pm (w. Adoration, Preston West)
9:00 am (Reservoir)
9:15 am (Reservoir North)
9:00 am (Reservoir)
9:15 am (Preston West)
7:00 pm (w. Adoration, Reservoir North)
8:00am Adoration and Reconciliation
Mass 9:00 am (Preston West)

Saturday 4:00 pm (Reservoir North)
Sunday 8:00 am (Reservoir North)
Sunday 8:00 am (Reservoir)

Reconciliation for Christmas:
St Raphael’s Preston West
Wednesday 18 December 7.30pm
Saturday 21 December 9.30am

St Stephen of Hungary
Wednesday 18 December 9.30am
Saturday 21 December 7.15pm

St Gabriel’s Reservoir
Sunday 22 December 8am, 3pm
Tuesday 17, Thursday 19, Friday 20 December
9.30am and 7pm

St Joseph the Worker
Friday 20 December 7.30pm English/Italian
Saturday 21 December 4pm
Sunday 22 December 8am, 3pm English/Italian

Christmas Masses:

Tuesday 24 December
St Stephen’s: 6pm Vigil Mass

St Joseph the Worker:
5.30pm Carols 6pm Vigil Mass

St Gabriel’s Reservoir:
7.30pm Carols 8pm Mass

St Raphael’s: 8pm Mass

Wednesday 25 December
St Gabriel’s Reservoir 9am Mass

St Joseph the Worker:
9am Mass English/Italian

St Raphael’s Preston West
10.30am Mass English/Italian

Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary

The partnered parishes of St Gabriel & St Stephen of Hungary Reservoir-Reservoir East and St Raphael Preston West are eagerly awaiting the arrival of three nuns from the Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of the Philippines who are coming to work in our parishes and schools.

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